February 6 - May 8, 2016
Swedish glass now finds itself in a transformational period that is characterized by a strong vitality in its multitude of new creative expressions. With a shrinking glass industry as its point of departure, there is a shift of focus to new areas. Today’s output of Swedish glass is no longer based on the production of the old large scale establishments, it is rather the result of artistic experimentation within conceptual art, artistic research, and the new perspectives and re-definitions of the material properties of glass. The exhibition highlights the innovative tendencies of contemporary Swedish glass and examine glass as a material and practice.The exhibition is produced by Glass Factory, BODA.Artists with works on display: Birgitta Ahlin & Sirkka Lehtonen, Esmé Alexander, Lott Alfreds, Lena Bergström, Olle Brozén, Tillie Burden, Anna Carlgren, Camilla Caster, Frida Fjellman, Ulla Forsell, Paul Grähs, Ylva Holmén, Annika Jarring, Espen Jensen, Ditte Johansson, Åsa Jungnelius, Gunilla Kihlberg, Ingalena Klenell, Simon Klenell, Matilda Kästel, Ludvig Löfgren, Sylvia Neiglick, Fredrik Nielsen, Karl Magnus Nilsson, Anna Viktoria Norberg, Ammy Olofsson, Jennie Olofsson, Benjamin Slotterøy, Bertil Vallien, Terese William Waenerlund, Nina Westman, Anders Wingård and Ann Wåhlström.